PHRASAL VERB 漫无边际地闲扯;喋喋不休地说 If you say that someone is rambling on, you mean that they have been talking for a long time in a boring and rather confused way.
She only half-listened as Ella rambled on... 埃拉漫无边际地闲扯,她心不在焉地听着。
He stood in my kitchen drinking beer, rambling on about Lillian. 他站在我的厨房里喝着啤酒,漫无边际地讲着有关莉莲的事情。
She only half-listened as Ella rambled on 埃拉漫无边际地闲扯,她心不在焉地听着。
He stood in my kitchen drinking beer, rambling on about Lillian. 他站在我的厨房里喝着啤酒,漫无边际地讲着有关莉莲的事情。
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. 我会抽时间听祖父絮叨他的青年时代我不会因为刚刚把头发梳理定型而要求在夏天关上车窗。
When you ramble on about topics it is more likely that you are losing your audience. 如果你东拉西扯会让听众失去兴趣。
You have heard me ramble on a lot in the preceding paragraphs, and I hope I have done a decent job of outlining the challenges and solutions. 在上文中,我已经谈了很多问题,我希望我已经清楚地说明了挑战和解决方案。
I won't ramble on about that. 对于这个我不会信口开河。
Nevertheless, please forgive me if I ramble on too much; 总之,如果我太啰嗦请务必原谅我;
Leave it there so it can ramble on by itself. 就让她留在那自言自语吧。
Sorry if I seem to ramble on and on about my daily life. 很抱歉,如果我似乎漫步在和我的日常生活。
Who has the patience to listen to some high school student ramble on about his teachers? 而且,关心这种评价的人也不会很多,有谁耐烦来听一个中学生的胡说八道呢?
Dragon Pine, growth in the ramble palace top rock on mystical valley. 虬龙松,生长在神秘谷逍遥宫顶端的巨岩上。
People ramble about what Aries person would be like with equivocal discription on qq. com, but I can not make it be concise here. 腾讯上一些大堆模棱两可的文字定义了白羊座的人,我总结不出来。
She would let me ramble on until I ran out of steam. 她会让我没完没了地闲扯,直到我精疲力竭为止。
In our walk along the moor: you told me to ramble where I pleased, while you sauntered on with Mr Heathcliff! 在我们顺着荒野散步的时候,你吩咐我随便去溜达一下,而你却跟希刺克厉夫先生闲逛啦!
I could say much more, but I don't want to ramble on. 还有许多的话想说,不啰嗦了。我的思想将一路上跟随着你们。
It just shows that magicians don't have to ramble on in a flurry of patter to be effective. 它给了我们启示,魔术师并非不是必须要采用非常复杂的手法流程才能到达魔术效果。
We did think of asking Peter to make the speech of welcome, but he does ramble on, doesn't he? 我们确实想请彼得致欢迎词,但他太絮叨,不是吗?
It analyzes the key techniques on the building of 3 D models, communication on Web, ramble in virtual terrain and so on in the Web based real time 3 D display flight simulation. 以无人机的三维实时仿真为例,分析了基于Web的三维实时显示飞行仿真软件的开发过程中三维模型的建立、网络通信、虚拟场景漫游等环节的关键技术,并给出相应的解决方法。
Ramble on development of mini excavator abroad 国内外小型挖掘机发展漫谈
Ramble on Urban Transport 漫谈城市交通
Ramble on the Method to Inspect and Analyze the Engine Oil 浅谈车用机油品质的检测及分析方法
The Eyes of the City& Ramble on Landscape Sculpture 城市的眼睛&景观雕塑漫谈
The process of designing and developing a multi-user, virtual campus ramble system was introduced. This system, based on B/ S architecture and by using UML ( Unified Modelling Language) as tools, was realized in JAVA and VRML. 介绍了一个多用户虚拟校园漫游系统的开发设计过程,该系统是基于B/S结构,以UML(统一建模语言)为工具,应用JAVA及VRML实现的。
Design and Implementation of Network Ramble Learning Based on IMS LIP 基于IMSLIP的网络漫游学习功能设计与实现
The aim of the system is to develop a virtual environment and achieve ramble on the basis of virtual environment. 设计了一个虚拟环境及在虚拟环境基础上完成的漫游系统。
From "Humiliating Torture" to "Sense of Shame"& A Ramble on Arousing the Sense of Shame of Criminal in Jail Correct 从耻辱刑到羞耻心&漫谈在监狱矫正中唤起服刑人的羞耻之心